Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Minecraft Adventure Update 1.8!

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 - Building Modern Warfare 3

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Steve Jobs Resigns as Apple CEO

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

PS3 Price drops to $249!

    The PS3 price has dropped. It's now $249, 249 and ¥24,980.

    The 360 has dropped significantly since its release a few years ago; the PS3 hasn't dropped quite as far, but it's getting there. Unfortunately, the PS3 isn't in as much of demand as the 360. Xbox 360 has many more games, including indie games and mainstream games that are released and going to be released for it. The PS3 has very few exclusives and not as much to offer, other than a free network unlike the 360.

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Sunday, August 7, 2011

Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine, Trailer

    Warhammer is a universe that used to only be in the real time strategy genre, however the game is now transforming into a completely 3rd person shooter type of game. It looks a lot like Gears of War. Go ahead and watch the videos. Unfortunately, it doesn't look anywhere nearly as fun as Gears of War... I haven't played GoW, but it definitely looks a lot funner than this... I think they should have stuck with making RTS games... But who knows, maybe it'll turn out to be awesome! That would be great.

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Tuesday, August 2, 2011

World of Warcraft, 4th Expansion, MISTS OF PANDARIA!?

This is... Speed Halo - a sort of Driving/Zombie game of Halo

    Here is an awesome YouTube video that I found of some sort of driving/zombie game made in one of the halo games; you go incredibly fast down a hill and watch out for the enemy zombie - over time, the enemy zombies multiply as the zombies kill the drivers of the warthogs! :D

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