Sunday, July 31, 2011

From Dust, Does Well in Reviews!

Friday, July 22, 2011

Australia to FINALLY get 18+ rated games, instead of making them ILLEGAL!

    It seems those of you in Australia can finally play the games most people in any free country can already play!

    For the longest time games like Left 4 Dead 2 have had to be edited or not be allowed at all in the country of Australia. The country of Australia has been a bit strange when it comes to allowing mature games to be released; they didn't allow Left 4 Dead 2 to get released because it was too mature and was not given a rating, so Valve edited it and took out the gore and things.

    However, it seems that is all going to change with the 18+ rating. Finally, people in Australia will be able to play the games that most people are already allowed to play in the world.

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Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Final Fantasy XIII-2, RELEASE DATE!

Friday, July 15, 2011

Zelda: Link to the Past, with a PORTAL GUN!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2... SUCKS?!

    According to most people who play the game, it's a terrible end to the series (not the movie! It's great, according to almost anyone! :D).

    The score on Metacritic so far is 55/100, which is freaking terrible. It's probably ALMOST as bad as Duke Nukem Forever... but unfortunately, it's made after an amazing movie, which was made from an amazing book. I don't know why people don't understand that different forms of media like books, movies and games all need to be made SEPARATELY NOT TOGETHER!

    Book -> Movie (Harry Potter) --- WONDERFUL!
    Book-> Game (Metro 2033) --- WONDERFUL!
    Book-> Movie -> Game (ANYTHING!) --- TERRIBLE!
    Book-> Game -> Movie (ANYTHING!) --- TERRIBLE!

    In other news about things that need to stay separate (jk) I've heard rumors that the new Batman movie will be previewed during HP7p2 :D

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Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Final Fantasy XIII, Sunleth Soundscape, Music Remix

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Video Game, Music Video - Using references to Awesome Classic games! - Music: We Come Together, Goldfish

Tomb Raider (2011), Gameplay Movie (with freaking great graphics, too!)

    The new Tomb Raider game is looking amazing! I can't wait until we get to see Lara Croft again, except completely renewed (and far more awesome than she ever was before). The graphics in this new installment are freaking amazing and I, alongside many other people, am very surprised by this announcement. I'd heard they were rebooting the series, but this is just way more than I expected!

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From Dust, Dev Diary 3 AND Trailer - This game looks AMAZING!

    Sorry for being such a nerd, but From Dust looks like a freaking awesome game! I haven't seen an awesome world building/manipulating game that looks this awesome in a very long time! I can't wait until it's release and it's coming soon - July 27th! PC, PS3 and 360... I don't like consoles, so I'll just use the PC version :P

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Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Playstation 4, arrives 2012?!

    It seems that the Playstation 4 may be arriving in 2012!

    It seems that the Playstation 3's life may soon be over... With all of the problems that Sony is having, I wouldn't be surprised if this rumor is true. GameSpot says that it was found out through some component makers in Taiwan that said they're beginning work on the next console!

    We'll just have to wait and see if it's true or not, but I hope some stuff about it is leaked before the actual release so I can get some specs or some details or something! Also, GameSpot says it's motion control-based, so it may be like a better graphics version of Playstation Move, but combined into the system.
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Friday, July 1, 2011

Minecraft surpasses 10,000,000 users!

    It seems that Minecraft has now been bought by over 2.6 million people! Ten million registered users are on its site. Minecraft is an amazing open world game that randomizes everything in the entire world as you walk through it; the hills, mountains, oceans, caverns, lava pits, snowy alps, low valleys, deserts, forests, etc. Everything is randomized!

    Basically, the goal of the game is to gather different types of blocks (wood from trees, stone from the ground, dirt, etc.) and use these blocks to build a shelter... before nightfall. Nighttime is when the zombies, spiders, skeleton archers, skeleton archers riding spiders and many other creepy things come out to kill you... Including the infamous Creeper...

    Creepers are the most annoying yet most original monster of them all... Basically, they exist to destroy what you've built. They explode when they come near you and they destroy all nearby blocks... Even if you spent five years building the Taj Mahal in Minecraft, a huge chunk will be taken out of it by one single Creeper... 

    This is the face of evil... the Creeper...

    Don't let them come near your base! Putting torches around will make sure they can't spawn... they only spawn in the dark. Monsters also spawn in the dark caverns, even during the day or in the darker shadows above ground... so always be aware.

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