Tuesday, September 27, 2011

League of Legends, New game mode, DOMINION!

    League of Legends' new gameplay mode has launched! Dominion is based on controlling points on the map, rather than just reaching and destroying your enemy's nexus. It still has nexuses, but yours is only weakened only when your enemy controls more points than you, rather than when it is attacked.

    This new gameplay mode is much faster paced and can last anywhere from seven minutes (my shortest game of it so far - I won!) up to the regular time a DOTA game takes (around 20-40 minutes). I absolutely love this game mode and I think that it just added a huge layer onto the game!

    One of the coolest things about this mode is that you can still use the regular champions you can use in the other mode. I can use my favorite character in both modes! :D

    Source URL: https://skyrimpictures.blogspot.com/2011/09/league-of-legends-new-game-mode.html
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