Friday, April 22, 2011

Nintendo, Wii Successor Console, Will Arrive when it is announced

    The Wii Successor, Nintendo's next gen console, has been accidentally confirmed, it seems. Shigeru Miyamoto was asked about the new next gen console; he said that the console 'will arrive when it is announced.' He seems to have accidentally confirmed the console, but we already knew about it anyway, so who cares.

    The new next gen console will have an awesome controller; the controller will have an HD screen on it and be shaped kind of like a PSP. This will allow for split screen games to give each player a 1080p view of only their split of the screen, instead of everyone just looking at four small screens on one television.

    I can't wait until the next console comes out, and I hope all of those rumors about the controller are true! This would make it far better than those terrible motion controlled systems, like the PS3, Wii and 360... They are all embracing too much of these new types of controls, I think. However, the new console will be backwards compatible with all Wii and GameCube games, according to rumor. Also, it will have better hardware than the PS3 or 360.
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