Saturday, April 23, 2011

Rage, Gameplay and Graphics Preview

    Rage is a new game made by one of the most awesome companies in the world: Id. They've been innovating games for years now. They really made FPS what it is; without them, FPS games would have evolved very differently. They created Doom and its sequels, among other popular and amazing games.

    Now, Rage is coming soon and its graphics will push everything to the edge. The AI in the new game seems to be truly spectacular and the game mechanics look very fun. I may be one of the few that hated Borderlands, but this game looks super amazing and far superior to that hunk of trash. While Borderlands wasn't great - at all - to me, I still think it has potential and hope to see more of it in the future.

    As for Rage, Id is now owned by Bethesda; they created games like The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, Fallout 3 and Fallout: New Vegas - they are now working on TESV: Skyrim, as well. Id being under this company will really help them push everything forward - they are under a company of great designers that don't make bad games just to make money (Good thing EA didn't buy them... EA would have ruined Rage and everything Id has ever created).

    Anyway, here is a video of Rage's gameplay and graphics; this was on IGN's YouTube channel.

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