Friday, May 13, 2011

L.A. Noire, Tech Trailer - Facial Motion Capture

    Facial Motion Capturing is a very new technology that I thought we'd only be seeing in movies for the next 30 years... however, Rockstar has already incorporated it into a video game! L.A. Noire is going to have the most realistic facial movements ever in a video game.

    This is very important for the video game, because you can now tell if a person is lying or telling the truth by listening to their voice, looking at their body motion AND looking at every detail of their facial muscles, movements and wrinkles!

    Every detail of a real life person is captured in this technology; there is nothing left out. We can finally start seeing very realistic video games, without fake looking lip movements, fake looking faces... I just hope that all video games get into the habit of using this awesome technology!

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