Saturday, May 7, 2011

Project Cafe, Wii successor, Designs

    IGN asked for people to make their own ideas of what the Wii 2 (Wii's successor, codenamed: Project Café) will look like. There are rumors and speculation circulating everywhere and Nintendo has announced that the console will be revealed at E3.

    There were quite a few cool designs that IGN revealed from its users, even if one of them does kind of look like a VCR...

    There are far more designs at IGN, but this one to the left is my favorite. It may look like a VCR, like I said, but it still looks awesome! IT has four controller ports, which use USB, and the system kind of reminds me of the Nintendo and Super Nintendo consoles...

    Anyway, I really hope it doesn't have the name that this person gave it... Nintendo BEEM; that would be such a strange name... Most people believe it's going to be called the Nintendo Stream, so far - this is because of the cool way it streams 1080p video to each of the four controllers, simultaneously. How is this useful, you ask? Well, if you are playing a four-player split-screen game, you don't want the others to cheat by looking at your screen; so, you can simply look at your controller without anyone being able to spy on you on the same screen as theirs! And, you get your own screen instead of having to share it...

    Plus, 1080p is a really high resolution, meaning this console is very powerful. The 360 and PS3 are both capable of 720p, 1080i and 1080p - however, most games on these consoles usually only make the effort of using 720p, even though it's a far smaller resolution. If this console can stream four 1080p videos at the same time, it has to be very, very powerful...


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