Friday, April 22, 2011

Nintendo's Next gen Console, Cost, Specs, Design and Release Date

    The next gen console from Nintendo is already coming soon, and is expected to be announced next month at E3 or something around then.

    Here are some of the feature of the new system:

    • $350 - $400 dollar cost, based on manufacturing costs
    • Controller with HD (1080p) Touchscreen (Able to Stream split screen games to four different controllers, so people don't have to look at one screen split into four - they'll have their own personal screen on the controller!)
    • Better hardware than the PS3 and 360 (Expect releases to now be on all three companies' consoles! And for more exclusives for this new system, that can't be handled by the 360 or PS3!)
    • Release date between October - November
    • Name Pending for the Console (Codenamed : Project Cafe)
    • According to my source, it will look like a more modernized version of the Super Nintendo

    I can't wait until we get our hands on this amazing sounding console! :D
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