Saturday, April 16, 2011

Get Portal 2 even earlier than early... and learn the point of the Potato Sack

    Portal 2 is coming soon and it can be unlocked early by buying the Steam sale called Potato Sack; this is a collection of 13 different awesome games that have new downloadable content (free - and for limited time only) that are Portal 2 based! This adds a lot of fun and excitement to the already great games in the pack.

    The Potatoes that you get when beating these games will help OVERCLOCK the CPUs already being unlocked. CPUs are unlocked when we beat a single game, the extra potatoes left over will help OVERCLOCK the CPUs we already have. OVERCLOCK means make them work better, faster and more efficiently.

    This image above is the email revealing the point of the potatoes...

    Go and buy the Potato Sack now! Also, if you haven't go ahead and buy Portal 2 so you can get it and be ready for the early release! You only get the early release for versions on Steam! (That we know of...)

    Portal 2<< Amazon $34.99 & Steam $44.99 Early Release >> Portal 2

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