Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Sony and Microsoft, 360 and PS3 have three years left, Nintendo announcing new console

    Microsoft and Sony both seem to have announced that they will keep up with the 360 and PS3 until 2014, which is another three years. Nintendo is going to be announcing their console in a few weeks; here is a design I found of it that might or might not be real.

    If this is the real design, then this means that we won't have to look at a four way split screen on a television; we can just look at our own controller and see ourselves. We can make sure the other players aren't peeking at our screens and make it more fair for everyone! This will make this console have a different advantage than anyone else, and if it's patented, then that means they'll stay ahead for a long time - maybe. It just  depends on whether people end up liking this.
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