Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Modern Warfare 3, Reveal Trailer

Monday, May 23, 2011

Hilarious, Cave Johnson, Lemons Quote, Video

Crysis 2: Retaliation, Trailer

    Crysis 2 came out not too long ago, and now they are starting to roll out the dlc (downloadable content) for the game. Crysis 2 is the sequel to the awesome and infamous game Crysis; this game challenged most computers and put them to their highest heights in the sense of their amazing graphics.

    Crysis 2 looks even more amazing, yet the game makers were able to get it to run really well - this is something that is going on all over the game market these days. Most main AAA titles are getting to be made really well and work well, even with amazing graphics... except for Rockstar, who really need to get some people to optimize things better for games (like GTAIV on PC and... apparently L.A. Noire on the PS3 and 360).

    Source URL: https://skyrimpictures.blogspot.com/2011/05/
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Sunday, May 22, 2011

Harmonix, makers of Rock Band, to Announce new game

    Harmonix, the developers of the well known series, Rock Band, has stated that there will be no Rock Band 4 in 2011. This seems to be the same path that all music game developers are taking. There is no Guitar Hero in 2011, either.

    Now, Harmonix has stated that they will be announced a new game at E3! This is the same time that Nintendo will be unveiling a new console! Microsoft will be unveiling tons of new Kinect enabled games - not remakes or rereleases! Original games made just for Kinect!

    Sony has been having a pretty harsh time, recently; who knows what is going to happen with them; I've read that Sony doesn't plan to unveil a console until 2014 - the same year as Microsoft plans to release their next, unannounced console.

    I wonder what Harmonix is announcing and I wonder what a lot of things will be like this year at E3! This is going to be a very big event, this time... New console, Sony's big problems and confronting customers, a bunch of new Kinect games...

    Source: http://www.gamespot.com/news/6314962/harmonix-announcing-new-game-at-e3
    Source URL: https://skyrimpictures.blogspot.com/2011/05/
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Ratchet and Clank: All 4 One, comes out October 18! Screenshots, Trailer, Info

    A new Ratchet and Clank game is set to come out October 18! I haven't played one of these games in a long time; the last time I played one, I played on the PS2... I really need to upgrade to the newer series! I can't wait to see this new game come out - if it gets great reviews, I'll get it - if not... well... I'll pretend it doesn't exist.

    I really don't know about the Coop thing... Coop ruins a lot of games... except for Portal 2. Resident Evil 5 sucks... mostly because it isn't scary in the least, because of the other person that's with you at all times... It's not survival horror... it's just a multiplayer shooter... and a bad one, at that.

    If they ruin Ratchet and Clank, I'll be sad... but it isn't the biggest series in my mind that was ruined... Spyro is... I loved that little guy and they turned him into an abomination in a game that is coming up... they're making some terrible new series and throwing the name Spyro in just to sell the game... Hopefully that's not the case for Ratchet and Clank: All 4 One (Even though the name is based around the 4 player Coop, even...)

    Source: http://www.gamespot.com/news/6314752/ratchet-and-clank-all-4-one-arrives-oct-18
    Source URL: https://skyrimpictures.blogspot.com/2011/05/
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Saturday, May 21, 2011

Wii 2, Camera Controls incorporated?

    This is a concept for the controller (fan-made)
    It seems that rumors are being thrown around all over the place about this next-gen console from Nintendo; it's currently codenamed Project Cafe, but the real name will be revealed to us at E3 or maybe a little before!

    It seems now that they will be incorporating camera controls into the system; this means that they are probably trying to compete with Kinect from Microsoft. Reading more about this, some are saying that the 3DS may be able to be used as a stand in for the camera if you don't have one!

    Source: http://www.gamespot.com/news/6314761/wii-2-controller-incorporating-camera
    Source URL: https://skyrimpictures.blogspot.com/2011/05/
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Wednesday, May 18, 2011

360 update causes discs to not work - PS3s update causes overheating

Project Cafe (Wii 2), leaked video of console?

    It seems that someone may have leaked a video of the successor to the Wii, which is currently codenamed Project Cafe; most people seem to think it'll end up being called Nintendo Stream, because it streams four 1080p videos at the same time to four different controllers, which all have touch screens!

    The hardware in this new console is also far better than that of the 360 and PS3 (which is understandable, because it's far newer). Nintendo and other game developers were all having trouble innovating anything else with the console, so they had to make a new one.

    Nintendo has been behind with the Wii for years now, and with the release of Playstation Move and mostly the release of Microsoft's Kinect, the Wii had nothing special about it, anymore; the Wii is just a withered old husk, ready to become obsolete (if it hasn't already...).

    The new console will be completely backwards compatible with older games from GameCube and the Wii, but the compatibility with older games from other systems is unknown; however, they have said it will have a higher emphasis on backwards compatibility (I hope it comes with a Super Nintendo game player! :D)

    Project Cafe is said to also be the most developer friendly system; this means that they will make it very easy to develop games for their console. This is way different than the Wii, which many people had trouble programming for, because of the Wiimote's motion controls.

    The SDK (Software Development Kit) for this console sounds awesome! We may finally get to see mainstream games being released on all three consoles, with great graphics! Maybe even a FFXIII rerelease, but with 1080p! (instead of 720p like on PS3 and 360...)

    Source URL: https://skyrimpictures.blogspot.com/2011/05/
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Angry Birds, 200 Million Downloads!

    Angry Birds is a game that was released in 2009 for the iOS (iPhone's operating system and iPad's operating system). Angry Birds started out well and is still doing well, today; Angry Birds has now been downloaded over 200 million times!

    Angry Birds also has a spin-off called Angry Birds: Rio; this game was made thinking of the movie called Rio, which went to theaters mid-2011. Angry Birds: Rio has sold 35 million copies! Each of these games is sold at ninety-nine cents, so it's no wonder why it sells so well.

    Electronic Arts (the epitome of evil game publishers...) apparently bought the game a while back, too; I really think that the Angry Birds: Rio game is really fun (it's the only one of the Angry Birds games that I've played). The game's goal is to shoot the birds at a fortress and try to knock it down to free the birds trapped inside. It's strangely simple, yet really fun! Kind of like the awesome Minecraft...

    Source URL: https://skyrimpictures.blogspot.com/2011/05/
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Mass Effect: Genesis, DLC, Now available on 360 and PC

    Mass Effect was released a few years ago for the Xbox 360 and PC. Mass Effect 2 was released, later, for only the 360 and the PC, as well; however, in early 2011, EA decided to release a PS3 version, containing any of the DLC (downloadable content) from the game that was already released for the other systems.

    Mass Effect 2 may have been released on the PS3, but Mass Effect was not; Bioware has made their games to where they rely on the choices that you've made in the games before. Mass Effect choices carry over to Mass Effect 2. The reason Mass Effect is not on the PS3 is because Microsoft owns the publishing rights for the original game, while EA owns the publishing rights to any sequels of it.

    Because of Mass Effect 2 being released on the PS3 without Mass Effect, they decided to go ahead and include something that allows the player to make choices without it just being a heap of questions thrown at the player; they made a comic called Mass Effect: Genesis.

    Mass Effect: Genesis was only available on the PS3 version for five months, but it is now finally released on the 360 and PC for 320 Microsoft Points (360) or 320 Bioware Points (PC). If you don't feel like playing through Mass Effect again or you don't want to play it at all, then this four dollar DLC is a great choice; however, I recommend playing the first game, it's very impressive and the comic simply skips way too much of the original game's important and memorable parts.

    Source: http://www.computerandvideogames.com/301847/news/mass-effect-2-genesis-comic-now-on-xbox-360/
    Source URL: https://skyrimpictures.blogspot.com/2011/05/
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Monday, May 16, 2011

Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings, 17 Screenshots

Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings, Trailer, Gameplay footage

    Witcher 2, the highly anticipated sequel to Witcher (which came out a few years ago) is coming very soon! Here is a trailer and some gameplay footage (actually, demonstration of the environments for gameplay) of the awesome looking game! I'll post some screenshots on my blog soon after, as well.

    Source URL: https://skyrimpictures.blogspot.com/2011/05/
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