Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Skyrim, 15 Minute Interview

    Here is an awesome interview I found with one of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim's devs, Todd Howard. It has a lot of information, and it has German subtitles at the bottom, if you don't speak English and do happen to speak German...

    Anyway, he speaks about the over 100 dungeons, half of which take 1 to 2 hours, the other half are about 15 minutes. He speaks about the more realistic NPCs and how they actually go places and truly do things, instead of just going places and sleeping or standing there. The world is as big as TESIV: Oblivion's Cyrodill, but the mountains make it so you have to travel further - because you can't just walk straight over a mountain, you'll have to walk twisting and turning paths.

    Here it is:

    Source URL: https://skyrimpictures.blogspot.com/2011/05/skyrim-15-minute-interview.html
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