Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Brink, Screenshots, Info, Artwork, Wallpapers, Trailer, Gameplay footage

    Brink is an awesome looking game that was released May 9th. It's being published by Bethesda, which is currently one of my two favorite publishers (Activision being my other favorite). The trailer is a simple cinematic trailer, so it's not gameplay - however, there is a gameplay video below the trailer!

    Even though it was just released May 9th; there are already some reviews of it on the internet like: VideoGamer.com (80/100) and Strategy Informer (60/100). VideoGamer knows there are flaws but still likes the video game a lot; Strategy Informer says the game is a confused piece of software that doesn't exactly know what it is.

    So far, the game isn't being reviewed the best, but I'm sure that the game is still great and will get an even better sequel that will improve upon all of the small faults in this first installment. Don't you just love sequels? I do! Seriously... I do. Not on movies, though; I only like Video game sequels.

    Anyway, here are the trailers - the cinematic trailer and the gameplay footage that seems to come from PAX, according to the uploader on YouTube, Cartagena44. The cinematic trailer was released sometime in 2010, while the gameplay footage was still probably released a bit later than it. Probably around early 2011.

    There are some screenshots below; some of the screenshots of simply screenshots of the cinematic trailer, while others are actual screenshots of gameplay - at least, that's my first thought on them by looking at them and looking at the trailers. There are also a few that are just artwork or Concept Art, as people call it; it is what they draw before actually making anything, so people know what in the heck the world is supposed to look like. There are a few pics of the weapons and costume (outfit?) packs as well. A few of them are wallpapers, too.

    Source URL: https://skyrimpictures.blogspot.com/2011/05/brink-screenshots-info-artwork.html
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