Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Microsoft, Buying Skype for $8.5 billion dollars!

    Microsoft has announced that they are going to buy Skype for $8,500,000,000 (Eight-billion-five-hundred-million dollars). This is going to be huge for both of these companies; Skype is one of the biggest online video chat and telephone groups, allowing for free communication on some things.

    Kinect and Skype are going to be compatible with each other, soon; Xbox 360 is going to be getting updates to be compatible with Skype. This will allow for a whole new age of communication on Xbox Live; some think it might even be free to make video calls if you have a Gold account on Xbox Live (Gold accounts are paid accounts - you pay a small monthly fee for access to tons of stuff).

    Well, we'll see how it all goes... I hope it goes well. After seeing what has happened to Sony, I'm becoming more of a supporter of Xbox Live... I still like the PS3 system, more, but Microsoft's networks are far superior and aren't handled by complete morons like at Sony...

    Source URL: https://skyrimpictures.blogspot.com/2011/05/microsoft-buying-skype-for-85-billion.html
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