Friday, May 13, 2011

Eidos Montreal hacked, 350 Resumes Stolen and 25000 emails stolen

    It seems that another company has been hacked; recently, PSN was hacked multiple times. Sony's Playstation Network was hacked because of terrible and unpatched security, which allowed for the hackers to steal names, addresses, emails and even credit card information.

    Eidos Montreal is a part of Square Enix, a giant publisher based out of Japan; they have been hit hard recently - earthquakes, tsunamis, PSN's hack (affected a lot of companies) and now one of their own network's was hacked.

    Square Enix has confirmed that they took it down immediately after, but the hack still allowed the hackers to take 350 resumes (which means they probably also stole every bit of information about these people...) and 25,000 email addresses were also stolen.

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