Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Project Cafe (Wii 2), leaked video of console?

    It seems that someone may have leaked a video of the successor to the Wii, which is currently codenamed Project Cafe; most people seem to think it'll end up being called Nintendo Stream, because it streams four 1080p videos at the same time to four different controllers, which all have touch screens!

    The hardware in this new console is also far better than that of the 360 and PS3 (which is understandable, because it's far newer). Nintendo and other game developers were all having trouble innovating anything else with the console, so they had to make a new one.

    Nintendo has been behind with the Wii for years now, and with the release of Playstation Move and mostly the release of Microsoft's Kinect, the Wii had nothing special about it, anymore; the Wii is just a withered old husk, ready to become obsolete (if it hasn't already...).

    The new console will be completely backwards compatible with older games from GameCube and the Wii, but the compatibility with older games from other systems is unknown; however, they have said it will have a higher emphasis on backwards compatibility (I hope it comes with a Super Nintendo game player! :D)

    Project Cafe is said to also be the most developer friendly system; this means that they will make it very easy to develop games for their console. This is way different than the Wii, which many people had trouble programming for, because of the Wiimote's motion controls.

    The SDK (Software Development Kit) for this console sounds awesome! We may finally get to see mainstream games being released on all three consoles, with great graphics! Maybe even a FFXIII rerelease, but with 1080p! (instead of 720p like on PS3 and 360...)

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